Secret is Being Positive
It will be 3 against 1 not 2
REVERSED VI of MOONS                     III of STARS                                             MINOR 1            MINOR 2

                                                  RXII                                                                                             1                   

                                             RI        VIII                                                                                   3      2

                                       RX        V        XI                                                                           6      5      4
                                 II     RXIII        RIII     RXVI                                                             10    9        8      7                   
Past dictates the future as they look ahead. Stuck with the failure to make right decisions there are failed promises and unjust actions. There is the search for a fair and just outcome. So much deceit from those who don't belong. The need for courage falls short. Moral social convictions allows for wise mercy. War against failure is the war. The unexpected saves all. Europe is in deep trouble. Only after all fails will there be a movement towards historical roots. But not without sorrow. Warfare.
Enter. Minor Arcana
1.Signoficator  2.LightCard  3.DarkCard  4.Creator  5.Conservator  6.Destroyer 7.Fire  8.Air  9.Water 10.Earth
Exit .  Minor Arcana
SUNS -       WANDS -    COOPER 
MOONS -    CUPS -       SILVER
Enter living in the past.

Selfish failure with the unjust. No one believes anything. Just is unjust. Trust is the untrustworthy. The spread of unknown manipulation. People don't know why they act like they do. The few assume power. Old cultures have rebirth. Religion has massive rebirth. Warnings fail. It could be too late. A catastrophic  event. Starvation. The few who abandon faith become strong. Broken systems due to debauchery. The great plans erode to discouragement. Dreams are just that. The many are the few.They start to grow. Hope arrises. 

Exit as a time for a short rest. The plant breaks ground. Many have been lost.