RIII of STARS                  RXIII of SPHERES       MINOR 1      MINOR 2

                                               XI                                                            1                   

                                        X IV    XVII                                                 3      2

                                    RV      VIII      XIX                                       6      5      4
                                XIII     RIX      IV      RI                               10    9       8      7                  
Secret is Being Positive
It will be 3 against 1 not 2
Loneliness, alienation, and confusion leads to war. There is a powerful warrior within. Ability arises. Prophecies give to the destiny of light. The Past can cloud the future. So the past and present marry to create a new future. Honor and virtue must dictate. There is a need to overcome the illusion of hypocrisy and deceit. Law and reason leads to the fatherhood of nations. If mistake free the enemy will be destroyed.
Enter. Minor Arcana
1.Signoficator  2.LightCard  3.DarkCard  4.Creator  5.Conservator  6.Destroyer 7.Fire  8.Air  9.Water 10.Earth
Exit .  Minor Arcana
SUNS -       WANDS -    COOPER 
MOONS -    CUPS -       SILVER
Enter with the world that doesn't want to win. War.

Powerful is your time. Able and willing there are the courageous Hope and luck. Expectations of success. Prophecy the destiny. All calms. Patience wins. A healing occurs. All points to a joyous outcome. A healthy triumph is expected. Powerful unification is to be pursued. Be or become honorable. Fairness for all. Forgiveness. Avoid hypocrisy. No longer accept weak dogmatic agreements. War against illusion. Lies and deceit. Law reason and conviction. Strength is need to overcome blindness. Change in ways never seen. 

Exit is simular way that were entered.