Secret is Being Positive
1)TEMPERANCE: Balance, Patience, Calmness, Moderation, Frugality, Adaptability, Serenity, Harmony, Self-control, Mingling of past and future. 
                                                    Quatrain X:19 The day after her greeting, she will be entreated.                                                                                                              The reckoning will be right and just.

2) REVERSED The HERMIT: Isolation, Blindness, opposition, Imprudence, Immaturity.
                                                    Quatrain I:54 Two revolution made by the evil sickle-wielder,                                                                                                                   Changes both kingdoms and their dispensations. 

3)The LOVERS: Love, Union, Agreement, Contractual Agreement, Passion, Crossroads, Impulse, Harmony, Optimism, Trials overcome, Trust, Choice.
                                                    Quatrain VII: 83 From great oppression and calamity  
                                                                              The wedding contract transforms tears and sighs.

4)JUSTICE: Balance, Fairness, Justice for All, Harmony, Virtuousness, Honor, Impartiality, A Fair Outcome,  Equilibrium,  Law.
                                                   Quatrain IX:66 There will be peace, unity and change.  
                                                                            Low offices will become high and the high (ones) low.

5)The EMPRESS: Fertility, Ruling passions, Health, The feminine, Marriage, Wild nature, Nurture, Action.                                                                       Quatrain IV:24 From under the holy earth, the soul's voice faintly sounds. 
                                                                         The human flames shine as if it were divine.

6) REVERSED DEATH: Stagnation, Immobility, Inertia, Discouragement, Failure of plans to manifest.                                                                             Quatrain I:63    After disasters, earth's populations shrink.  
                                                                           For a long time, peace (presides) over uninhabited lands.  

7)REVERSED The FOOL: Aimlessness, Distraction, Mistakes, Carelessness, Unwisdom, Recklessness.                                                                       Quatrain V:76   He will pitch his tent in three places. 
                                                                            Rather than be lodged in cities.  

8)REVERSED FORTITUDE: Weakness, Sickness, Tyranny, Abuse of power, Indifference, Anger, Impatience,                                                                  Quatrain X:84 The female bastard to so high a place ascends.                                                                                                                 The late return will make the sad ones glad.

9)REVERSED The DEVIL: Release from slavery, Optimism, Concern for others, Awakening to the value of the self, Virtue, Morality. 
                                                   Quatrain II:24 Hungry wild beasts will cross the rivers.  
                                                                          The most part of the field will be against Hister.  

10)REVERSED The BURNING TOWER: Denial, Failings, Poverty, Loss, Unforeseen event, Catastrophe, Cataclysm, An Obstacle to be faced.
                                                   Quatrain X:49 In the garden of the world near the new city, 
                                                                          On the road of the hollow mountains.                                             
                                              I am using only the Major Arcana and the Tetraktys Spread.  

                                                             XIV                                    1

                                                        RIX    VI                               3    2

                                                    VIII    III    RXIII                     6    5    4
                                              R0    RXI    RXV    RXVI         10    9    8    7

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1.Signoficator  2.LightCard  3.DarkCard  4.Creator  5.Conservator  6.Destroyer 7.Fire  8.Air  9.Water 10.Earth

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