The lie becomes the truth
The truth becomes the lie
Tell it, tell it, tell it
Like it isn't

The truth becomes the lie
The lie becomes the truth
Believe it, believe it, believe it
Like it is

Spread it, spread it, spread it
Know it isn't
Tell it, tell it, tell it
Feel it is

Hiding the lie in your heart
Hating those who don't
What is it are you 
Telling me!

Running with your own
Dispise those who won't
Looking in a mirror
What is it you see

Spread it, spread it, spread it
Know it isn't
Tell it, tell it, tell it
Feel it is

Spread it, spread it, spread it
Know it isn't
Tell it, tell it, tell it
Feel it is
The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth
Secret is Being Positive